Family Goal Setting-Part 1

January is the month we think about our health and goals for the new year.  The prior four blogs have focused on health for the body, mind, and spirit by Fasting Part 1, Fasting Part 2, Stretching, and being still with Soaking Music.  

This blog is about setting goals as a family.  We all have heard many strategies about goal setting for oneself.  However, have you and your family ever set goals together to reach your highest spiritual calling as a family?  

This year our family sat down to write out our vision and goals for this year.  We have already felt more productive and focused.  The bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."  Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)  Form a vision and goals (or laws) for your family and find the joy in your accomplishments.  Dr. Lance and his wife Annabelle share some great concepts, in the video below, that will help kick start your goal setting. 

May your family's God given vision be a blessing to you and others In Jesus Name!