Soaking Music

Recently I came across this YouTube channel DappyTKeys.  I've been very blessed by Tim Oladeru's ministry and testimony.  The music brings peace to my spirit and puts my mind in an alpha wave length.  There are five basic brainwaves - delta (deep sleep state), theta (dream state), alpha (brain at rest state), beta (normal awake state), gamma (fastest frequency state).   

There is a lot of information on each of these brainwave states on the internet.  However, I want to highlight the theta and alpha states because these two states are the spiritual wavelengths, the God channel, as it were.  God can speak to us through dreams, visions, words of knowledge, revelation etc. when we are at these levels of rest.  This is why God calls us to "Be still and know that I am God."  Psalms 46:10   (For my journey of learning to Be click here).

During your times of fasting and/or meditation prayer times, let Tim's music be another tool to help you hear God.  On the Thank You video below, Tim thanks his subscribers and also shares his story.  In addition, I linked two of my favorite DappyTKeys videos that I use during my times of prayer.  I enjoy them for the music, the pictures, and the scriptures.  There are many soaking videos on YouTube, and Tim's ministry will help you get started.

May you experience the presence of heaven as you pursue a deeper relationship with God, and that presence bless you and flow through you to others In Jesus Name!