Art Prize To Ethiopia

Art Prize Nine turned out to be an amazing experience for my daughter Heather and our family. There were many stories of how people were moved and touched by Heather's exhibit about overcoming dyslexia.  (Click here to listen and see her story.)  Like the lawyer, a regular at the coffee shop, who teared up after seeing and reading the exhibit.  Or the teacher, who excitedly expressed her appreciation to Heather, and hugged her three times during their conversation!  

However, the person that stood out the most was Corine (pictured below).  As a reading tutor for many years, 90 year old Grand Rapids resident Corine immediately resonated with Heather's exhibit.  She came back a second time to video tape the exhibit so she could show her family.  She came back a third time to give Heather sheet music of a lullaby.  The fourth time she came back she dropped off her "Reading Recipe".  She came back a fifth time to show her friend, but we had taken the exhibit down as Art Prize was over, and it was time to prep for Heather's trip to Ethiopia (stay tuned for her experiences and pictures).  

We were so blessed by Corine, especially because she took the time to come back so many times, in spite of her mobility challenges.  She was so sweet and mentally sharp.  We hope to see her again and spend some more time with her.  

As you share your story of God's power, love, and sound mind in your life, may you be blessed as you bless other In Jesus Name!


Proud Dad and brother, Bill and JJ, who supported Heather by wearing T-shirts, designed by Bill, to advertise Heather's exhibit.