CPAC 2019


Religion and politics are two major topics discussed in our home. Even though my immediate family is pretty much on the same page, the topics by nature are the most intense and charged topics on the planet. Nonetheless, as watchmen we are fascinated to see what God is doing now in the context of these two topics, and how the they have intersected throughout history.

A couple of Sabbaths ago we read through the book of Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2 is a great example of the intersection of these two topics. It clearly shows God’s prophecy for the nations. This is why we do our best to stay somewhat informed on what is happening around the world (by following YouTube channels like Dr. Steve Turley), and or course what is happening in the US to see God’s prophecies unfold in real time. Therefore, I thought it was important to share with you the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) convention that just occurred in the Washington DC area this past weekend.


The speakers clearly presented the distinction between the progressive Democrat ideology/beliefs and the conservative Republican ideology/beliefs. Such beliefs as socialism vs. capitalism, infanticide vs. pro-life, protection of illegal immigrants vs. the protection of the American people, open borders and the drug crisis vs. the wall and immigration reform, hate speech vs. free speech especially on college campuses, and other important foreign and domestic policies, most of which are obviously diametrically opposed. The bottom line is this, one ideology supports a culture of hate and death, and the other supports life and freedom. John 10:10 says it best, “The thief [Satan] does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I [Jesus] have come that they [you and me] may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

However, the one speech I wanted to highlight, and the one I both laughed and cried at, was President Trump’s two hour speech which you can watch below. He went “off script” and shared his heart and the audience loved it. Some were saying it’s the longest speech he’s ever given. Even so, I think it is well worth your time, because it gives you more insight into how he thinks, and how much he truly loves being the “father” of America right now as the President. In spite of his flaws, as we all have, I believe this speech revealed a heart that loves our country and is willing to fight for it. I hope you are inspired and encouraged.

If you want to watch all the speakers at the conference click on the American Conservative Union YouTube channel. I would highly recommend you watch as many as you can. I think it’s important for us as Christians to know what the thought leaders are thinking. When we do, we become more insightful and powerful prayers, and we become stronger citizens to stand up and defend our freedoms, and our Judaeo-Christian values.

As you look at current events with a biblical worldview, may you be inspired and encouraged, that no matter what is happening on earth, God wins in the end. May this knowledge fill you with peace and joy, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!