The Real St. Patrick


This Sunday, March 17, 2019 is the official St. Patrick’s day holiday. It has become a secular day of beer, corn beef, leprechauns, and lucky charms, none of which interests me, nor do we celebrate the holiday. However, I have been intrigued with the real St. Patrick for a couple of reasons.

First, this past Christmas I received a 23andMe DNA test kit as a gift. After completing the test, it confirmed I’m 100% Northern European. I basically knew that because my father’s father came from Scotland where St. Patrick was also born and raised. Secondly, St. Patrick kept the 7th day Sabbath and I’m a fifth generation 7th day Sabbath keeper. So, I feel a heritage connection to St. Patrick through family and faith.

While looking for pictures for this post, I came across St. Patrick’s beautiful prayer of faith above. You can tell he had such a love for God and a heart to share the love of Christ. This prayer inspired me and I wanted to share it with you. I hope you are inspired as well.

In addition, click on The Seventh Day Part 3 video below to learn about the real St. Patrick, and discover who was his weekly 7th day Sabbath mystery guest. The story of St. Patrick and the 7th day Sabbath keepers at that time, really reveal how special the Creation Sabbath has been to many believers throughout history. What a wonderful faith legacy, like St. Patrick, we are privileged to enjoy as end time fol!owers of Jesus Christ!

Like St. Patrick enjoyed the 7th day Sabbath, may you understand that the Creation Sabbath is not a law that has to be kept or you’ll die, but rather as a promise of rest to be experienced. It is a day that should relieve your burdens and bring you peace and joy, as outlined in Hebrews 4. Once you grasp the difference, you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!