Prayer for Supernatural Weight Loss

When this video first popped up, I was rather skeptical.  But, I thought I would check it out and see what she had to say.  I really like Isaiah 61:3 and pressed play.  By the end of the video I was very touched and praised the Lord.

You see I've dealt with weight issues since I was a teenager when a couple of family members called me fat.  At age 18, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.  Long story short, after learning about self-bitterness and learning to love myself again (read more here), I was able to stop taking my thyroid medication after being on it for almost 30 years.  The last pill I took was Oct. 12, 2009, almost 9 years ago.

So, how am I doing now.  I am feeling healthier, but recognize I still need some soul (mind, will, and emotions) healing.  However, this video brought greater hope and undestanding to my heart and I wanted to share it with you.  So many women struggle with weight issues, and diet and exercise, although important, don't seem to help much and even sometimes seem to make things worse.  I believe Jennifer's prayers on this video will be a blessing to you.

As Isaiah 61:1-3 says, "...prisoners will be freed...[and God will give] festive praise instead of despair..."  May you be freed from excess weight and enjoy praise instead of despair.  May that joy bubble over to bless you and bless others In Jesus Name!