The Power Of Music

This is a really fun and happy video I just had to share!  Notice how the seasoned citizens come alive when they hear the music.  The Piano Guys ooze energy and joy that's truly contagious!  My husband Bill has expressed for years that music is audible emotion.  The Bible says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength." Proverbs 17:22. (NLT)  So, if you're feeling sapped of strength today, listen to some joyful music.  

In addition, say out loud two of my favorite Psalms (Ps 100 and Ps 149).  These Psalms  proclaim loudly and encourage us emphatically to praise the Lord with song, music, and dancing.  Let your heart hear the praise of your lips! 

May you dance with joy today, and may that blessing ooze out of you and bless others In Jesus Name!