God's Emergency 911


A few nights ago I woke up and wanted to talk with God.  I put on some soaking music (here) and saw the scripture on the screen of my phone.  The numbers 91:1 stood out to me and immediately I thought of the emergency number 911.  But this time, I recognized those numbers as God's emergency hotline.  Psalms 91:1 says, "He that dwells in the secret place of the most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.".  

Reading that verse, two words struck me - dwell and abide.  What exactly did they mean?  I looked up their definitions and synonyms.  Dwell was defined as a specific place you live.  The first synonym was to reside.  The definition for abide was to act in accordance with.  One synonym was obey.  So, dwell is a place and abide is an action of obedience.

Now how do these two words relate to God and overcoming negative emotions?  It boils down to this simple question.  What thoughts are you thinking and acting on?  As the scripture says,  "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."  Proverbs 23:7  

Are you dwelling (thinking) with God for the solution or dwelling on your circumstances?  Are you standing in victory or are you anxious and fearful?  Remember God does not give us negative emotions.  "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."  2 Timothy 1:7  Either you are going to have faith in Holy Spirit who is in you, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 8:11), or you will go into fear and suffer because fear brings torment (1 John 4:18).

How do you get beyond the torment?  Pray this prayer of faith.  "Father, I don't feel like You're here.  There's simply no tangible indication of Your presence in my life right now.  Everything's gone south.  But Father, Your Word says that You'll never leave me nor forsake me, so I know that You're here.  Whatever is causing these problems in my life is not You.  I know that You haven't forsaken me.  I ask You now to help me see what I've done to turn away from You.  As I seek You, please help me make the connection and release this life You've placed in side me.  I know Your Holy Spirit's still here.  I know Your blessings are still here.  I'm believing that they'll be released.  I refuse to have these other things [ongoing negative thoughts and feelings ]"  (Quote from "You've Already Got it! by Andrew Wommack p. 14.)

May your thoughts dwell in the secret place at the foot of the throne in the shadow of the Almighty (the shadow is the glow of the emerald rainbow, the promise of eternal peace Rev. 4:3).   May that peace guide your actions that will bring you a blessing so big it will overflow and bless others In Jesus Name!
