Mid-Term Elections and Illegal Immigration

Last night there was a “Call to Prayer” in DC that included HUD Secretary Ben Carson, pastors, and other leaders to pray for God’s direction for the upcoming mid-term elections being held Tues. Nov. 6, 2018. I wanted to urge everyone to join these leaders in prayer as well. One verse they suggested to focus on is 1 Tim 2:1-2,

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.”

The beginning of the report by Breaking Christian News said that, “(Washington, DC)—[CBN NewsThe Brody File has learned that there will be a special Midterm Elections "Call to Prayer" this Thursday evening that will include Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, Pastors Paula White and Robert Jeffress, Tony Perkins, Ralph Reed and other, "special guests." Read more…

Secondly, the video below titled “What Does the Bible REALLY Say about Illegal Immigration?” is a brief historical and contextual discussion that I thought answered this question very well. Dr. Steve Turley summed up his thoughts by sharing this quote found at min 8:14, “I lock my doors at night, not because I hate the people outside, but because I love the people inside.”

As the Scripture says, “I urge you to pray for all people [leaders and illegal immigrants alike]…so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives.” Prayer opens the doors of heaven that we can be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!