Spiritual Role of a Father and Mother Demonstrated
Gabriella Oliveri the “Miracle Baby”
While going through my emails recently, I came across this amazing story from God.TV. What a powerful testimony of a faith filled father and mother. I believe this story demonstrates the spiritual role of a father and mother. In the spirit realm, parents have great authority to defeat Satan’s kingdom.
Furthermore, faith without works (action) is dead, as it says in James 2:14-26. The action in this story was twofold. One, they commanded the spirit of fear and death to go In Jesus Name. Two, they stood their ground during the long hours, days, weeks, and months. Eph 6:13 says, when you’ve done everything STAND! Hold your ground! Resist the devil and he will run from you James 4:7.
This story was, literally, a life changing event that we can learn from and implement the lessons into our lives. Our circumstances might not be as dramatic, but the principals are the same - command and stand. The currency of faith will take you to victory!
May you command and stand against the giant problems in your life, that you may be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name.
Video Title: Our Daughter's Heart Stopped, Then Jesus Walked In - The Normal Christian Life