Money Bombs - Part 1


My family loves giving.  We inherited it from our parents who loved to give to others as well.  However, a couple of years ago, we started giving in a little bit different way.  We "money bomb" people and it has been so much fun.  Paul says in Acts 25:35, "You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Money bombing is easy and fun.  It doesn't take a lot of time, effort, nor does it have to be expensive.  I like to keep a $20 in my purse for that unplanned moment when the opportunity arises.   Here is a story of an unplanned moment.

One time while wrangling a stuck shopping cart at a store, a lady starting talking to me.  She was getting a cart too and fumbling around with her things trying to get them in her cart.  She related to me her story of how her $20 purse had broken.  She couldn't return it because she had paid cash and had lost her receipt.

Her explanation went on and on and in my mind I said to God, "Why is this woman talking to me?"  Then it hit me, duh, God wants me to bless her with a $20 money bomb.  I immediately opened my purse and got the $20 bill.  I tried to hand it to her, but she was stunned and didn't take it.  I tried to give it to her again and she said she couldn't take it.

A third time I handed her the $20 bill and said that Jesus loves her and thinks she's amazing!  With tears in her eyes, she slowly reached out and took the money.  She said no one had done anything like that for her before.  I hugged her and went on my way.  I don't know what happened to her, but I know God does and will bless her anyway He can.  I walked away with a light heart, thanking God for the blessing.  

We have other similar type stories of blessing waiters at restaurants,  I know some people will tip the amount of their bill.  You may say that's silly.  Well, don't knock it till you've tried it.  We also like to money bomb those who work hard to make the worship experience special.  A little thank you to a musician, or a behind the scene worker will help them feel appreciated.

Money bomb someone today and see for yourself if it truly is more blessed to give than receive.  May you have fun giving to others, and may you be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!