Homeschool 101


After 15 years of homeschooling, these are my top 10 tips.  Of course there are many more, but these will help you get started.  Happy learning!

1.  Seek God's direction.  This may be obvious, but by far the most important tip and should be taken seriously.  If you know that homeschooling is God's plan for your family, this knowledge will anchor you through the storms that are sure to come.

2.  Commit to the lifestyle.  Homeschooling is not for everyone.  Be willing to embrace the differences of traditional school, and enjoy the adventure.

3.  Join Homeschool Legal Defense Association, (HSLDA).  They are a wealth of information and your homeschool insurance if legal issues arise.

4.  Join the local co-ops and homeschooling associations.  You will discover that there are more activities, educational opportunities, and social events than you can possibly do.  

5.  Pursue your child's interests.  Learning will be fun and easy when they are "studying" what they are passionate about.

6.  Establish anchor point times like mealtimes and prayer times.  However, let the general routine be fluid and flexible.  This will help your family stay on track, but not be rigid and stressful.  A rigid schedule leads to burnout.

7.  Use multi sensory learning.  Think outside the textbook.  Use videos, games, crafts, field trips, nature, museums, toys, kitchen, etc. as learning tools.  You'll be amazed at how much your child picks up.

8.  Ask questions wherever you go.  Thinking and learning are not just for the classroom.  Life is a lesson to be learned no matter the location or age of the student.  

9.  If your child is having trouble with reading, writing or math, don't hesitate to get assessments, vision and hearing tests, etc.  You have to know the specific problem before you can develop a plan to address it.

10.  Learn how your child thinks.  This will make a huge difference in how you teach, and what curriculums you choose.  The book I found very helpful is Dr. Caroline Leaf's book The Gift In You.  Once you discover your child's pattern of thought, you can begin to discover their purpose, potential, and provision in life.

May you enjoy the journey of learning.  May you and your family be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!
