Be Blessed & Be A Blessing

Photo by Javier Calvo

Photo by Javier Calvo

Whistle While You Work

Ephesians 4:28 says, "If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need."

Simply put, earn money so you can give to others in need, so they can earn money to give to others in need, and so on.  This creates a productive society that is blessed and a blessing.  The book, "The Tapby Frank McKinney demonstrates this concept.

Frank is known as a rock star real estate mogul.  He flips multi million dollar homes and does it with a flair.  However, along his journey, he realized he wanted to do something more than just sell real estate. He received what he calls "The Tap". 

In this book, he shares his story, and how he uses some of his wealth to help others. His foundation started establishing self sustaining villages in Haiti in 2003.  "The Tap" is an inspirational and fun read, and really epitomizes the concept of philanthropic capitalism.  

Jesus said,  "It is more blessed to give than to receive."  Acts 20:35  So, may the resources God has given you not be hoarded and create a blockage to blessings.  Rather, may your resources be a part of the heavenly circular flow of being blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!