Be - Finding Unity With God

Many years ago when I was first learning how to talk with God, I would ask Him what He wanted to say to me.  For the longest time he would say, "Be still and know that I am God", Psalms 46:10.  So, I found a comfy chair and sat still to hear what He had to say to me.  Again, He said, "Be still and know".  Again, I quieted my physical body and sat and listened.  This went on for some time, and frankly I was getting irritated that He kept saying the same thing.  

Finally, one day it dawned on me that He wanted me to quiet my mind as well.  OK, now we're getting somewhere.  I would clear my head by writing down whatever issues were bothering me that day.  Then I would quiet my body AND my mind.  Now God, what do you want to say to me?  Again, He said He wanted me to "Be Still". 

Really God?  This run around was getting ridiculous, at least that's the way I felt.  However, He was patiently leading me.  Even though I felt frustrated, I quieted my body.  I quieted my mind. What did He mean by "Be Still"?  This kept going on for awhile.  I don't know how long, but we're talking years for the whole process to take place. 

Perhaps I'm a slow learner, but it finally occurred to me one day that God wanted me to "Be Still" in my spirit!  Ugh!  How do you do that?  I realized that this is what He was getting at the whole time.  Not knowing how to connect to my spirit, I started by quieting my body and mind, and began mentally focusing on my stomach area.  Now I know that sounds funny, but the bible says, "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." John 7:38 (KJV).  Also, you've probably heard different sayings about listening to your gut, or gut instinct.


With this little bit of knowledge, I knew that the way to quieting my spirit meant that somehow I needed to quiet my spirit in my gut.  This took some experimenting.  I learned breathing techniques, mind's eye focusing tools, and discerning tips to determine whether my feelings were mine, Satan's, or God's.  Eventually when peace came to my gut, I knew I was beginning to understand what God wanted.  He wanted me to "Be"!  Not just to "Be" like the Buddhists monks who meditate.  He wanted me to "Be" one with Him.

"Being" one with God is a whole different level than just our physical and mental realities.  It certainly involves physical and mental focusing to reach a spiritual state of "Being".  But to "Be" one with God takes you to the throne room where you experience "The Emerald Rainbow" (Rev. 4:3), and the communion brings a "peace that passes understanding".  It is an amazing reality!  Maybe because "heaven" can be a presence here on earth, rather than just a place out there somewhere.  After all, Jesus did pray, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Mt 6:10.

Unfortunately living on planet earth, we are bombarded with distractions, irritations, tragedies, conflict, and troubles of every kind that can instantly wipe out our peace.  That's why God continually calls us to come to Him, to just "Be".  None of those problems are a surprise to Him.  Even though we may not hear the answers to the problems right away, we can still enjoy the fruit of "Being" - peace.  

For me, "Being" is a skill I'm continually trying to improve.  Furthermore, as we get closer to Jesus coming again, and as the world goes insane, we must learn how to "Be" one with Him on a constant basis.  This is the only way we will be able to survive the troubles of the end times.  

During this holiday season, make sure to "Be", and enjoy the peace, and hope that the birth of baby Jesus brought to earth.  May you experience a new level of unity with God.  May you hear the good news that God loves you, and may that love bless you, and bless those around you In Jesus Name!
