Christmas - Pagan or Christian?


Every year during the Christmas season, the question arises, "Is Christmas pagan or christian?"  The truth is that it is both.  But let's not throw the proverbial "baby out with the bath water".   On the other hand, let's not be occultic in our mindset either.  Like I've said before, if there is a counterfeit, there is a true!  The ditches are either stressing out and overdoing the traditions to fulfill some social expectation and twisted worship, and not doing Christmas at all. 

The biggest push back I've heard is that the Christmas tree was used for pagan worship etc., and that probably is true.  But the tree itself is neither pagan or christian.  It is an inanimate object.  Pagan's give rice to their idols, does that mean we stop eating rice?  Witch doctors use herbs for their potions, do we stop using herbs?  New Agers use crystals, astrologers use numbers and stars, LGBTQs use the rainbow, and the list is endless including drums, dancing, jewelry, food, money, etc., but those things are not evil.  It boils down to HOW people use those things that make them good or evil.  Let's take back what Satan's kingdom has stolen and use these things to glorify God instead of the principalities and powers!

For me, I use the pine tree to celebrate Jesus by decorating it with nativity related ornaments that I've collected.  They range from hand made to being made in various parts of the world.  I also collect nativity sets.  My first set I made from a fabric kit before my children were born (pictured below).  I wanted them to know the beauty and blessing of that very special birth.  Collecting nativities gave me the opportunity to reinforce that wonderful story, even if Jesus' birthday wasn't actually Dec. 25.  The bible doesn't say, so why not celebrate?  


Another push back is Santa Claus.  I never liked that adults lie to children about who brings the gifts.  I told my children the truth from the beginning.  They knew that Santa Claus was a mythical figure, and because we knew that, we enjoyed Santa for what he was - a lighthearted Christmas tradition.  My children always understood that Jesus was real and that Santa was make believe, and enjoyed both Christmas figures with that in mind.  

For me the real question is what am I thinking about and celebrating during this season?  Am I trying to please man or God?  Satan loves to distract from and discredit God.  Satan would love for us to not celebrate Christmas.  Christmas is a time to worship Jesus so Satan brings in all kinds of twisted thinking to get us in those ditches.  The bible says to test all things and hold fast to that which is good.

As we are spiritually maturing, may we learn how to discern so that we are not ditch diggers but road runners.  May this holiday season be one of good tidings of great joy and blessing which overflow to all we come in contact with In Jesus Name!

