Jezebel vs. Jehu - Part 3/4

So who were Jezebel and Jehu?  If you haven't read the whole story you can find it in 2 Kings 9 and 10, and the characteristics of Jezebel in Revelation 2:20.  Basically, Jezebel was the evil, murderous, sexually immoral, controlling Queen of Israel, and Jehu, anointed by God, was the guy who eventually killed her and all of Ahab's (her husband) family.  How are these two biblical figures relevant today?  And how do they fit with the King of the South - Islam, and the King of the North - Papal system? (For more on Daniel 11: Kings of the South and North click here). 

Observing Bill and Hillary Clinton since the early 1990's, I believe they epitomize the characteristics of Ahab and Jezebel.  There have been so many sexual scandals, deaths, and treasonous behaviors surrounding them, that it's mind blowing that they are not in jail.  Sean Hannity on his 11-14-2017 show had a great mapping of all the recent scandals.  (Click here to see the show.)

Observing President Trump during his campaign and during this past year in office, I believe he epitomizes the characteristics of Jehu.  I believe he has been appointed by God, (see why here).  However, Jehu had some problems as well.  In 2 Kings 9:20 it says, "The watchman exclaimed, “The messenger has met them, but he isn’t returning either! It must be Jehu son of Nimshi, for he’s driving like a madman.”  Apparently Jehu appeared to be a bit reckless.  This characteristic has been demonstrated by President Trump, especially during the campaign. 

However, we do not know if President Trump will be like Jehu and be disobedient to God.  2 Kings 10:31 says, " But Jehu did not take care to walk in the law of the Lord, the God of Israel, with all his heart; he did not turn from the sins of Jeroboam, who made Israel sin."  So far, President Trump, even though he has not been a practicing Christian, has been very supportive of those with Judeo-Christian values.  Time will tell, however, how far this comparison with Jehu will go.  

In addition as we continue our discussion, we must be reminded that we are talking about what is happening in the spiritual realm, and how leaders are aligning themselves - either with Satan's kingdom and narratives or God's kingdom and narratives.  "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)  The battle is between these two kingdoms and the battle field is a person's mind.  The eternal life question is, "What kingdom are you going to align yourself with?"


To tie this all together, during the Obama administration when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, we saw both these leaders demonstrating many characteristics of Jezebel.  Just do a little research and you will see the many comparisons.  However, what hasn't been as apparent was the influence and power that Islam, the King of the South, had over Obama and Clinton when they were in office.  (Click here to see how much Islam was ruling the US). 

Of course Jezebel and Islam have roots in Satan's kingdom and will manifest the same fruit.  You won't, however, hear about this in the left or right wing media, nor in the Christian community at large.  Most do not understand the spirit realm and have difficulty explaining the insanity.  For me, after observing and studying the spirit realm for years, it has become pretty clear.

When President Trump won the election, it interrupted the power structure of Jezebel and the King of the South - Islam.  This is why there has been so much vitriol and clashing this past year in politics, the media, and the entertainment industries.  Truth is being revealed.  The power structure is transitioning from the King of the South - Islam, to eventually the King of the North - Papal System.  As you saw in Tim Roosenberg's video (here), the Muslims and Catholics have been fighting for millennia.  The devil's in the ditches and these two global powers represent the left and right ditches.

However, currently as of this writing, I believe God has provided a stop gap with President Trump between these two global religious powers.  Like I said earlier, I don't know what President Trump is going to do in the future, but I do see signs here and there, within the Christian community, of foundations being put in place for the King of the North - Papal System to take over.  How long the time gap will last, we don't know for sure.  However, we do know where we are according to prophetic history.  We are in a transitioning phase.  Once the pendulum has fully swung to the other ditch, Jesus will come.  All end time prophecies will have been fulfilled.  (More about Sabbath and the King of the North - Papal System in an upcoming blog.)

What an exciting time to be alive!  It's intense at times, but I also feel very honored to potentially see Jesus coming in the clouds!  May you have ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.  That truth will set you free and give you peace.  May that blessing of freedom wash over you and overflow to others In Jesus Name!