Living Prophets' Words Fulfilled - Part 1/4

Over a year now, since the 2016 US Presidential election cycle, I have been testing, watching, and listening to what Cindy Jacobs and Dr. Lance Wallnau have been prophesying in regards to current political events.  With the election of President Trump last November, and this week with the release of Donna Brazile's book "Hacks" exposing the Clinton machine, both prophesies have come to pass (we will continue watching for what happens Feb. 2018 as mentioned in the video below).  I believe these two examples are exactly the fulfillment of what God intended in Eph 4, for the five fold gifts to help inform and mature the Body of Christ. 

Jesus said in Mat. 10:41, "If you receive a prophet as one who speaks for God, you will be given the same reward as a prophet."  So the reward in these two scenarios is that we don't have to be shocked, afraid, or troubled about what is happening in the government.  God is not surprised and knows exactly what is happening.  He's got it covered!  Yay God!  May you learn to rest in his arms in the midst of the chaos and wars, and may you receive that blessing so that you can bless others In Jesus Name!

Dr. Lance Wallnau

Dr. Lance Wallnau

Below is the text from the back cover of Dr. Wallnau's book "God's Chaos Candidate" describing God's Isaiah 45 revelation to him.  This book was published Sept. 2016, just a few weeks before the election!

"Take your place in helping America fulfill her unfinished assignment. Make no mistake, the gnawing concern you have about the future of our nation is not delusional. America is already in turmoil. When Jeb Bush referred to Donald Trump as “the chaos candidate,” he may have been tapping into something more prophetic than he realized.

Transformational teacher and thought leader, Dr. Lance Wallnau, provides a timely prophetic blueprint into the state of America and offers a proposed solution that would tip the scales in favor of the nation fulfilling its divine assignment. Be awakened to the state of chaos in America that impacts you and your family—learn how your voice can help shape the future. Discover what America’s “Fourth Crucible” is and how this catalytic moment in history can either make or break the nation. Receive a vision of hope about America’s unfinished assignment—this is your call to both prayer and action. Read about how Donald Trump is a “Cyrus” candidate— a wrecking ball to political correctness."

Click on links for more info.  Dr. Lance Wallnau's book "God's Chaos Candidate", his website and his YoutTube Channel.

NOTE:  When I first heard of Dr. Lance Wallnau, and watched his Facebook post (here) before the presidential election regarding candidate Trump, I knew Wallnau was right.  During the republican primaries when there were a handful or so candidates left in the running, I had a closed vision (see definition in FAQ) of then front runner candidates Trump and Cruz.  In the vision, the two men were facing each other.  Cruz was talking boisterously, and waving his hands, and there seemed to be a flurry around him.  Trump, on the other hand, just stood there looking at, and listening to Cruz. That was it. 

What did this vision mean?  The bottom line is that no matter how much flurry candidate Cruz exhibited, it would all come to naught.  Trump would win the primary and become the Republican candidate.  That's exactly what happened.  Furthermore, I was about 98% sure he would win the election.   See upcoming blog about why I felt this way.