The Final Showdown - Part 4/4

In Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, we discussed ancient and recent prophetic history.  Currently, we are witnessing the transitioning phase of Jehu defeating Jezebel, and how the King of the North will be taking out the King of the South for the third time.  What is going to happen next?  In Part 4 "The Final Showdown" we will attempt to give a glimpse into the future.  We do not know exactly what will happen, but as we look at the past, we can get an idea of what is to come. 

In Part 2, Tim Roosenberg spoke specifically about the three conflicts in Daniel 11.  We learned that the King of the South is Islam, whose worshipers keep Friday.  A couple of years ago, I asked my Muslim neighbor why they went to Mosque on Friday.  She said Muslims worship on Friday because Adam was created on Friday.   I thought that was interesting.  Adam was created on Friday, but there is no Bible verse that says to worship God on Friday.

We also learned that the King of the North is the Papal system, whose worshipers keep Sunday.  It's common knowledge that Sunday keepers worship on that day because Jesus rose from the dead.  Every traditional Easter service will tell you this.  Jesus did rise from the dead on Sunday, however, there is no Bible verse that says to worship God on Sunday.

Do you see how the devil twists the truth to deceive people?  He wants to distract from the Creation Sabbath where there are many Bible verses that say to worship God on that day (see 20 reasons for some of the references.)  I believe this is what the final showdown will be about.  You see the devil is in the ditches.  In this case, the ditches are Friday worship and Sunday worship, and the roots are demonic and the fruit is tyranny, as we saw in Daniel 11's prophecy. 


So there are really only two choices, God's date day, the Sabbath, and any other day of the week that false religions dictate.  Of course Satan has tried to make the Sabbath legalistic, burdensome, and boring to distract from what God wanted to begin with, a relationship with Him.  

Let me be clear.  As I have had the privilege to go on mission trips around the world, I've observed people who have a heart for God in various religions and faiths of all kinds.  I believe there will be many in heaven who never worshiped on any day, let alone Sabbath, but will be saved (see Romans 2:14-16).  However, at the very end of time, I believe we will be forced to make a choice.  Satan's kingdom is out to kill, steal, and destroy, and he wants to annihilate anyone who wants to worship God the Creator.  (For a very in-depth study of end-time Sunday laws and the Mark of the Beast click here).

However, we are not to despair.  Daniel 12 says that God comes to deliver His people.  So I hope that when that time comes, you will not be troubled, but be encouraged.  How awesome it will be to see Him coming in the clouds! 

Which brings us full circle as to why I started this blog to begin with.  I want to encourage the Body of Christ to mature into the beautiful Bride of Christ outlined in Eph 4, and to celebrate God the Creator on the Creation Sabbath of Gen 2

Consequently, when He comes in the clouds, His people will experience how, "He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it.  And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation."  (Is 25:8, 9).

Today when you look up in the clouds, may you be glad and rejoice in God's salvation, so that revelation will heal your body, mind, and spirit, and you will be blessed to be a blessing to others In Jesus Name!